Image courtesy of : Nora Capozio Bioversity International

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Advantages of the SLTB Membership

Sharing and exchange of low temperature knowledge across diverse disciplines is at the core of the SLTB.

The wide range of scientific, thematic and technical backgrounds of the SLTB membership facilitates the cross-fertilization of ideas.

Society meetings regularly designed to encourage multidisciplinary interactions across different interest groups, subject areas and communities of practice.

The Society was started as a social club for people working in the area of low temperature biology. Where people could freely communicate about their work and get constructive feedback from other members, normally over a few beers.  

Although the society has matured over the years and the beer is normally reserved for the pub after the meeting, the original concept of the society lives on and students will find the members to be very approachable and ready for scientific discussions.   


Other advantages include:

  • prizes for student and young scientist contributions
  • membership fee of only £25/£15 per annum 

Travel Award

The Audrey Smith Travel Fund provides to attend conferences and meetings where they will present work in an area appropriate to the Society. Main eligibility criteria:

  • applicants must be members of SLTB
  • applicants must be at an early stage in their research career


Donate To sltb

Your donation allows us to further the dissemination of scientific advances, helping promote communication between cryobiologists and those in related fields.


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