SLTB AGM Scheduled 8th December 2022 - 5pm (GMT) / 6pm (CET)

Please find below a reminder that the SLTB AGM will be held online at 18:00 (CET) / 17:00 (GMT) on the 8th December 2022. Your attendance would be greatly appreciated. A link to join us online will be sent to all members on the 7th December and again on the 8th December.

In addition, the committee would like to inform members that an announcement will be made at the AGM regarding the recent election for committee members. Nominations were requested to fill vacant positions on the committee, and we received one nomination per position. Consequently, the committee has voted to elect the single nominations received, as a ballot would necessarily only include a single nominee for each position. Should anyone wish to discuss this decision, please contact the committee on as soon as possible, so that a resolution can be reached prior to the AGM. We hope the membership agrees with the committee decision to bypass membership ballots where only one nomination has been received, however we are open to discussion with members on this matter.

Finally, a reminder that, as voted in the AGM 2021, from January 2023 the SLTB will operate memberships that run by calendar year (1st January - 31st December) regardless of when membership is undertaken.
For clarity, a membership purchased 1st January will run until 31st December of the same year, and a membership purchased 1st June will also run until 31st December of the same year. This change was voted through in order to simplify the renewals of membership for all our members by aligning to a single renewal date, as well as to ease the renewals process for SLTB Committee volunteers. A grace period of 12 weeks will be allowed for renewals to take place without interruption to continuous membership, during which reminders will be sent to members with lapsed renewals.

In order to ensure no members lose time on their current memberships, all membership terms have been extended to 31st December of the year they are due to expire. Reminders for renewal will be sent out from mid December 2022. If you have any queries regarding your membership, please contact the committee on